Thursday, October 4, 2007

Surprised your self

So often we have been surprised by our act.

Tonight I meet one of most valued people in this little town. We meet accidentally on his hotel's lobby, yes He own the hotel.

I'm just on my waiting for my guest for about 10 minutes, when an old man came and sit on the chair in front of me.

I did not know this man, and never see him before. He give me a question without any excuse.

"what will you do ? when your wife asking you to merry her sister ?" eh …? True, he give me question with straight face seriously. Not sure what to do, I’m letting my head view my sister in law and not long the old man got my answer, just cross, fresh and despites of others.

"My wife have only one sister left un-merry..." I said.

"She is smart, nice good looking, and being my friend this couple years.."

"I will do merry her…..-stopped- for her willing not my wife's"

I can not descript here what kind of smile on his first react. But I’ll try so you can see either.

One happy smile for an happy thought while at the same time you smell and see something stink. -can you see that ? I guess not-. a while.

Than he laugh hard with the finger point at me and left me with big …eh?.

I gave him an answer and he gave me a stupid feels. I mean who is he ?

“What so funny ?” the old man seems did not herd. “Hey ..!”

“I’ll call the security to stopped your laugh, you annoying everybody” I see around, every body on the room had an eyes and strange smile on me.

After a calm dawn but still laugh he said “I’m Sorry, really sorry I did not mean to laugh on you …” -but you just did-

I’m not moved even an eye for him. He keep his seat and continues.

We had a light conversations, with a laugh sometimes. from him mostly not me!. I think he just underestimate me, I was bother with that and this situation make him had many laugh during our ‘special session’. But later I’ve got mine either, he had a funny ‘things’ also.

Those night during my ‘special session’, I’ve got a cell calls from my guest that he cancel the meeting without any explanation. And than I decided to spent the night with the funny old man. So late until we had sahur together. Those night I’m still do not realized who I’m talking with.

I’ve got the canceled meeting confirmation this morning after I called my client. He said That he already in the lobby hotels last night, and cancel our meeting because he saw me on a ‘serious conversation’ with his big boss…eh? -another big eh-

Than he told everything just to know who is the old man who had a very-very rare laugh and conversation like we had last night, so he decide not to bother the moment.

I did that ... ... ?!


  1. sometimes it's good to have a conversation with somebody without knowing about his/her identity ^_^

  2. @Ely
    you right.

    Hmmm .. *sambil nyari-nyari kalo2 ada udang hehehe ..
    Ever herd Himawan ? sebenarnya aku juga bodo2 amat kalo ternyata beliau Himawan yang itu. semoga aku jg ga berubah sikap kalo ketemu lg.

    anyway thanxs to view..

  3. Hiu .... blog kamu tak link ya... danke sehr .

  4. Hallo Hiu ... apa kabar? masih mudikkah?

    Met lebaran ya ^_^
