Saturday, June 9, 2007

Society awareness you ever make something good look so bad ?
here a question, a serious question for you to think about it, before you continue read this post..

Stop read when you found something wrong happen on this situation:
I have a bike with Dunlop tire at front (2.50-17") and Mizzle at rear (2.75-17"), both tube tire type in standard size. I buy Dunlop last two week ago, when I buy this front Dunlop I ask also for the rear. Answer I got empty stock for standard Dunlop and they offer me 3.00 wide (race consume - the store guy explain me).
When I see my Mizzle and it looks just find (base on used age 7-8 month, and nothings wrong with the grid. So I decide not to replace it.
I used the combination of Dunlop and Mizzle only just for about a week. Problem come from Mizzle, it's tube tire become lacking. I had to replace it's tube 3 times in a week. I never got the answer for the problem, far as I know from the last replacement, the mechanic said the there is a steel wire inside my Mizzle.
Yes. I go back to the store where I buy my Dunlop a week before and asking for the standard rear Dunlop, to replace my Mizzle right away. The answer: none!
So I decide to get more information on Dunlop Rear Tire with 3.00 wide, as I never use this type before. The store said: this type require a tube also which is the same size with the tire 3.00-17. And it was no problem to combine with 2.50-17 at front.
Ok than.. I decide to replace whole rear wheel, the tire and it's tube as well. But the store inform immediately that they do not sell the tube..whats..? yes. thats what happen. they gave me a sugest to buy to another store near them, a blok away from the store. They give me the infos on the specific type, it was: 3.00-17" / 90/80. --Do they connected each other ? still on my investigations !--
Do they buy the tube for me ? NO! I have to ride my own bike turn around of my direction, across the traffic jammed street. It's okay no problem. as I never used this kind type of Dunlop, I intend to get more information on different store.
As the store guy advise me before to buy 3.00-17" / 90/80 tube tire, I order the girl on that different store to show me the good. Take more than 5 minute...a lot of stock maybe? or special things that not placed in ordinary rack. It can be.
It become pissed me off when I read the specification: 3.00-17" / 90/90 on the packages. Before I get more infos, I have to get the right I request for the size 90/80 with the other still on my hand...lest than 1 minute I got what I was: 2.75-17 / 90/80...

whats wrong with people in this country ... !

I decided not to come back to the store before, and start asking to the girls, do they have Dunlop Rear Tire which size is 2.75-17/ 90/80 ... their answer: No ! we do not sell Tire in this store sir.
Is this conspiracy ? off course !! --What do you think?--

Good combination or not I have to used the 3.00-17" size for my rear. I buy the Tube from the Girls store (off course with size: 3.00-17"/ 90/90 --logically--) and turn back my bike, across the damned street and get back to the damned store and buy also the 3.00-17" / 90/90 rear Dunlop Tire that not my desire.
Still in front of store guy, I confirm the tube from the different store with him and some mechanic there. A shit come out from the store guy, he confirm that it was a wrong size....I should bought the tube with size 3.00-17" / 90/80 size ! Go to hell --I talk to my self!--
I realize that I just waste my time with him, I go to the mechanic and discus the best rear for me.
The mechanic suggest: Keep your standard tube which size is 2.75-17" 90/80 --placed at wheel already-- and use the 3.00-17" 90/90 Dunlop Tire... he explain more that tube 3.00-17" / 90/90 will be to big for the tire, even in the same size, lack faster than the standard ! from confuse I've got headache since.
Who should I believe..... My logical way that the size should be the same or the mechanic with his experience ?
Or may my Great Blog Brain* speak ?
I put Scott's word for this.

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